GPS i Nawigacja Inercyjna

GPS i Nawigacja Inercyjna



Urządzenie Do Monitorowania Zasobów Trimble TM3000


  • Open, flexible platform supports multiple revenue-generating services
  • Efficient, high-volume manufacturing reduces operating overhead and increases return on capital employed
  • Robust architecture with a focus on zero defects enhances QoS and brand image
  • Over-the-air programmable for future service enhancements and lower maintenance costs



The pressure of differentiating service while maximizing recurring revenue forces many providers to develop and produce hardware. This has been a necessary distraction and expensive burden, since the limitations of off-the-shelf “boxes” require too many compromises. Developing hardware, keeping pace with evolving technologies and managing an efficient supply chain all place an unwelcome toll on the P&L for ervicefocused businesses.



The Trimble® TM3000™ asset tracking device is an open, flexible platform adaptable to a broad range of vehicle  onitoring, management and recovery services. The TM3000 asset tracking device integrates a GSM/GPRS modem, a GPS receiver, an independent application  ub-system and an array of peripheral interfaces in a small, robust, cost-effective package. The TM3000 asset tracking device hosts your application software, allowing  ou to custom tailor its operation to your service requirements. Trimble offers a development system to support both porting and new software development efforts.  reate the software yourself or Trimble can connect you with a third party developer familiar with the TM3000 asset tracking device. Either way, your time to market will  te measured in weeks rather than months. Contact a Trimble representative to learn how the TM3000 asset tracking device can advance your service offering and  improve your P&L.



  • Vehicle Tracking and recovery
  • Fleet management
  • Activity-based insurance
  • Driver monitoring
  • Toll collection
  • Telematics Roadside Assistance


Ulotka TM3000 Trimble.



+48 58 551 65 95


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